Cold Laser Therapy Testimonials

Debbe suffered with excruciating pain in her left shoulder with her pain level at a 9 out of a pain scale of 10. If she attempted to raise her left arm higher than her waist, she ended up in extreme pain. This left her frustrated, angry, and sad that she could not do a lot with that arm.
It was very difficult when she needed to do something that required the strength of two arms because her left arm was so much weaker.
“After the 1st cold laser treatment my pain went down to a 7 and I could lift my arm up to just above shoulder height, with minimal pain. After 6 more treatments my pain level went down to a 1 where I am just a little sore, and I’m now able to lift my arm over my head. It is AMAZING! The results are lasting which makes you want to continue treatment. I had such great results with my left shoulder that I am doing Cold Laser therapy for other health issues as well.” says Debbe.

Bill was introduced to Class II Low Level Cold Laser therapy after suffering with right knee pain for over 10 years from a torn meniscus. He was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis and began having to wear a knee sleeve. He says that kneeling was almost impossible, squatting was very painful, and his pain level was at an 8.
Bill says he had 2 arthroscopic knee surgeries and used over the counter medicine like Ibuprofen which only helped temporarily.
Regarding his results with cold laser therapy, Bill says “After my first cold laser treatment I felt tingling in my knee, and the swelling in my knee went down quite a bit. After 5 treatments my pain went down from an 8 to a 2. My knee kept getting stronger and the fatigue I felt on my long days at work was gone. As I continued with treatment my pain went down to a 1 and then after 8 cold laser treatments I didn’t have any pain at all. I feel AWESOME!”

Laura suffered for 2 years with pain in the arch of her right foot. “If I overdid it the pain level would be a 6 on a scale from 0-10. I sought treatment from a foot doctor, and was told that I needed surgery, and steroid injections, both of which I declined. I knew that I wanted a natural solution to the problem, and I began to feel frustrated because nothing was helping me,” says Laura.
Laura noticed immediate results after her 1st laser session! “I had remarkably less tension in my foot, walking had become easier, and it was less achy. The pain went down from a 6 to a 4. After my 3rd laser session, I forgot I even had pain in my foot; the pain was practically gone! After the 5th session, the pain went from a 4 to a 2, then by the 10th session the pain was gone! I was pleasantly surprised and felt elated that the cold laser worked so quickly! Now, I am feeling great. I can go for longer walks and no longer feel the achiness in my foot,” says Laura.

MaryAnn injured her low back shoveling snow in December 2020. “My back pain was a 10+ on a scale of 0-10. The pain was excruciating and started in my lower back and then radiated down my right leg and buttocks. It was very painful when I drove my car and I would have to frequently pull over, get out of the car and stand to find some relief from the pain.”
After Dr. Cramer suggested cold laser therapy MaryAnn decided to give it a try. Afterall Dr. Cramer helped her so much with her previous neck pain and numbness in her hands that MaryAnn trusted what she said.
MaryAnn has benefitted greatly from her Cold Laser therapy sessions and is so excited about her results . “After the 5th cold laser session my pain was 50% better and my pain level went down to a 5 and by the 7th session it was 95% better and went down to 1.” says MaryAnn. When asked how she felt about Cold Laser therapy, MaryAnn states “OMG! I use it anytime it is recommended. Cold Laser therapy is a Godsend! It has worked wonders for my pain!”

Mike started his Low Level Cold Laser Therapy at Precise Chiropractic in April 2020. He had been suffering with severe thumb pain for one year, and knee pain for 6 months. “The pain was a 10 out of 10. It was awful! This made long walks, going up and down stairs, cycling and working a desk job difficult,” says Mike.
Mike says that he gives his treatment at Precise Chiropractic a 10 out of 10! He noticed a 50% decrease in his thumb pain, and a 50% increase in thumb flexibility after his very first session! “After 4 or 5 treatments the knee pain was gone. It was amazing. The laser has been so effective, my Orthopedic Surgeon told me to keep getting these treatments! After 2 rounds of laser treatments for my thumb, the pain was reduced to zero. I am very happy with my results!” says Mike.

Mary started Class II Low Level Cold Laser Therapy in December 2020 after suffering with pain in her right shoulder and elbow for over 5 years. “On a scale from 0-10, the shoulder pain was an 8, and the elbow was a 10. The pain was so severe that I had difficulty sleeping at night. My shoulder and elbow were always throbbing.
I would toss and turn the entire night, and I could not lay on my shoulder without it starting to ache, so I wake up very tired the next day.
Mary says within 3-4 laser sessions she noticed relief in her elbow pain. “After 3-4 sessions the shoulder pain went from an 8 to a 6, and the elbow pain went from a 10 to an 8. After 10 laser sessions, I had 90% pain relief in my shoulder and elbow. Now, I am in great shape! I can fall asleep easily and stay asleep, which makes me feel so thankful. I can reach behind my back and stretch, and exercise without pain. When you can find a tool that helps with pain, and does not involve taking any medication, it is a miracle!” says Mary.

Amy started Low Level Cold Laser Therapy in November 2020. Prior to starting the cold laser therapy Amy suffered with 4 whiplash injuries which caused her to suffer with neck pain and pain in the back of her head on the left side for 12 years. “On a scale from 0-10, the pain was a 9.99. It negatively affected everything I did.
I tried traditional chiropractic, but it caused more pain whenever I went,” says Amy.
Regarding her results with Cold Laser Therapy, Amy says that after 2-3 laser sessions she began to feel relief in her neck and head pain. “As I continued with the laser sessions, the pain levels continually went down. Now, after completing 20 laser sessions, the neck and head pain are completely gone! I can pick up heavy items like gallons of milk with ease, and daily activities and household chores have also become easier to do. I can even drive better,” says Amy.

Janice was suffering with right shoulder pain from a rotator cuff injury. Her pain level was a 9 on a scale from 0-10, and she had very limited mobility. “I felt miserable; there was no relief, and I was constantly sore,” says Janice. She also suffered with pain in her right ankle that started when she twisted her ankle as she was mowing her lawn in August 2020.
“My ankle was very swollen, and I could not put any weight on it for 3 days. The pain level was a 10 on a scale from 0-10. Sleeping through the night was not easy. “says Janice.
Regarding her results, for her shoulder, Janice says that after her 1st cold laser treatment, she could lift her arm a little higher, and her pain level went down from a 9 to a 7. After 10 sessions the pain went to a 3, then after 20 sessions the shoulder pain is now a 0! For the ankle, she says after her 1st laser session she had increased mobility and she could stand longer. Now, her pain level is down from a 7 to a 0! “The cold laser therapy is absolutely wonderful! It is the greatest feeling to be out of pain,” says Janice.
8:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
(First Saturday of Every Month)
Precise Chiropractic
4101 John R Road Suite 300
Troy, MI 48085
F: (248) 856-2346